Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Scrubby

My scrubby pattern
may 2002

cotton yarn 1 ball
Round plastic scrubby pad
crochet hook size G

V-st (dc, ch 1, dc ) in same stitch

Round 1: attach yarn to scrubby, ch 1 and do 32 sc evenly around. join with slip stitch to first sc. (32 sc).

Round 2: Ch 3, (counts as first dc now and throughout), dc in same stitch, dc in next 7 sc, (2 dc, ch 2, 2dc) in next stitch, dc in next 7 sc, (2dc, ch 2, 2dc) in next stitch, dc in next 7 sc, (2dc, ch 2, 2dc) in next st, dc in next 7 sc, 2dc in same stitch as first dc, ch 1, sc in first dc to form space.

Now you will be working on two sides, so you will be going from 1 space to the middle space then to the last space...

Round 3: Ch 3, turn, dc in space, ch 2, skip 2 dc, *3 dc in next dc, ch 2, skip 2 dc; rep from*across to middle. (2dc, ch 2) twice, skip 2 dc, ** 3 dc in next dc, ch 2, skip 2 dc,rep from ** to corner, in corner space, 2 dc.

Round 4: Ch 3 turn, dc in next stitch, ch 2, dc in each if the next 3 dc, ch 2, dc in next 3 dc, ch 2, dc in next 3 dc, ch 2, (2dc, ch2) twice in center space, skip 2 dc, dc in next 3 dc, ch 2, dc in next 3 dc, ch 2, dc n next 3 dc, ch 2 dc in last 2 dc.

Round 5: Ch 3, turn. dc in next stitch, V-st in next space, dc in next 3 dc, V-st in space, dc in next 3 dc, V-st in space,dc in next 3dc, V-st in space, dc in next 2 dc,(dc, ch 2, dc)in center space, dc in next 2 dc, V-st in space, dc in next 3 dc, V-st in space, dc in next 3 dc, V-st in space, dc in next 3 dc, V-st in space, dc in last 2 dc.

Round 6: Ch 3, turn, dc in next 2 dc, ch 1, dc in next 5 dc, * ch 1, dc in next 5 dc, rep * til center sp((the dc's around space will be 4 instead of 5))in center(dc, ch 2, dc), dc in next 4 dc, * ch 1, dc in next 5 dc, rep to end, in end, dc in last 3 dc.

Round 7: Ch 3, turn, dc n each dc and space to center space (dc, ch 2, dc), dc in each space and dc to end.

Rep rounds 3-6 once more to pattern...

Round 8 note:
in the end area, it will be dc in each dc, not in space...

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